travel europe austria hallstatt gasthof simony restaurant

Although we had stayed here at the inn twice before, we had never taken advantage of the restaurant other than for breakfast that came with the room.
In 2017, we had dinner here on the lakeview patio.
The wait staff was pleasant, if slow, and the food was fresh and nicely prepared.
Its hard to rate the restaurant because everything looked like it should add up to a very good meal...
But I left with a feeling that something was missing... everything looked good, but it seemed plainer than it looked.
The prices, although normal for Austria, seemed higher than the portions and preparation deserved.
I had looked forward to the Hallstatt lake trout that all the restaurants touted.
It looked good, was expensive, and would have left me hungry if I hadn't ordered a mixed salad on the side.
My son had the beef goulasch, his wife the chicken breast wrapped in bacon, my wife the italian salad, the kids tortellini.


TRAVEL: 2017...

travel fanatics unlimited

This location has earned a three-and-a-half star rating from
Travel Fanatics Unlimited

unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Dining patio on lakefront, Gasthof Simony Restaurant, Hallstatt, Austria, 2017.

My fried whole trout, Gasthof Simony Restaurant, Hallstatt, Austria, 2017.

My small mixed salad, Gasthof Simony Restaurant, Hallstatt, Austria, 2017.

My wife's Italian salad, Gasthof Simony Restaurant, Hallstatt, Austria, 2017.

My son's beef goulasch, Gasthof Simony Restaurant, Hallstatt, Austria, 2017.

My daughter-in-law's chicken breast wrapped in bacon, Gasthof Simony Restaurant, Hallstatt, Austria, 2017.

One of the kid's tortellini, Gasthof Simony Restaurant, Hallstatt, Austria, 2017.

copyright d holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised march 2020